Liberty Hill Academy follows the South Carolina Comprehensive School Counseling Model. LHA school counselors guide students in the areas of academic achievement, post-secondary readiness (college & career), and social/emotional development. Our Guidance Department stands ready, willing, and able to assist the students in our school communities.
LHA Counselor's Direct Services to Students:
- Individual counseling sessions
- Restorative Circles
- Student Interventions
- Threat Assessments
- Suicide Assessments
- Bullying
- Check-in/Check-out official procedure/documentation
- Group counseling sessions
- Guidance lessons
- Naviance (college & career exploration)
- Career Fair
- IGP meetings with student/parent (8th/12th grade- high school preparation)
- MTSS Individual Problem Solving implementation
- 504 Plan accommodation implementation
- PBIS implementation
- Truancy meetings with student & parents
- Daily arrival & dismissal
- MAP testing
- SC Ready Testing